About Us
Artepoética Press Inc. is a New York City based Hispanic publishing house. We specialize in works and themes related to Iberia and the Americas. Our two imprints, Artepoética Press and Escribana Books, publish creative writing (novels, short stories & poetry) and academic works (Cultural and Literary Studies) respectively.
Experience the rich tapestry of Iberian and American literature come to life with our audiobooks. From compelling novels and captivating short stories to the enchanting world of poetry, immerse yourself in the diverse literary landscape we offer. Some of our audiobooks are even narrated by the authors themselves, adding a personal touch to the storytelling. Explore the essence of our culture and heritage through the spoken word, brought to you by Artepoética Press Inc., a New York City-based Hispanic publishing house with a passion for storytelling

Moricio: un cuento de Carolina Chaves O'Flynn

Grammatical Psycho de Jorge Aristizábal Gáfaro

"Día X" un cuento de Carlos Velásquez Torres
The Americas Poetry Festival Of New York
The Americas Poetry Festival of New York (poetryny.com) is an annual multilingual poetry festival and writers’ conference organized by poets and professors Carlos Aguasaco, Yrene Santos and Carlos Velásquez. The festival takes place in October. TAPFNY is currently sponsored by the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies of The City College of New York, Artepoetica Press, Escribana Books and Terraza 7 Live Music. The venues are: Center For Worker Education CCNY, Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center, Consulate of Argentina in New York, and Instituto Cervantes NY.